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Poponcini harmony bits

Why should you use Harmony?
The Poponcini Harmony bit is an innovative snaffle because of the material used to produce it since it is anallergic, smooth and extremely flexible.
This kind of snaffle is furthermore original as regards its squared shape.
4 types are available:
Harmony A
Harmony 1
Harmony 2
Harmony 3
which vary as regards their consistency and flexibility; starting from Harmony A, a very flexible one, till gradually reaching Harmony 3, which is the most rigid of all.
The various consistency gradations were designed to make it possible to easily adapt to the various types of mouths and horses.
Thanks to these mouthpieces many of the most frequent problems encountered by a horse rider during the daily work of a horse, such as lack of chewing, lack of relaxation of the jaw and inevitably of the horse body itself, can be overcome.
A horse using this kind of mouthpiece shall find things easier and shall be more encouraged to have a good chewing and will therefore achieve the best relaxation of muscles, offering the rider a wider support as regards the contact.
This is a kind of corrective mouthpiece as mouths which are violated by too strong mouthpieces and hands will bring the horse to take incorrect neck posture attitudes, and so doing the horse won’t perform good work.
Thanks to Harmony 3 it is possible to rehabilitate these types of horses enabling them to trust their support and to have a better posture during work.
On the contrary Harmony A, 1 and 2 is advised for those kinds of horses which have difficulty in taking a stabile support and make the horse desire to bring the body forward granting more impetus and a better performance in the various disciplines.
In short Harmony’s philosophy is to be able to find the right union between horse and horse rider, allowing the rider to have a good management of his/her horse but respecting at the same time the sensibility of the animal’s mouth, which can be easily violated by the exaggerate pressure of standard snaffles onto their tongue and onto the bars, which are extremely sensitive parts.
Try the Poponcini Harmony bits. You can find our collection here.